Sunday, February 17, 2008

I think I am dying

I woke up this morning with ringing in my ears again. Tinitus I think it is called. I had my wife take my blood pressure, 172/110. That is a heart attack waiting to happen. I have all of the warning signs and the family history to put me in an early grave. I hate my job, I am moderatly over weight and I am a fire fighter. I don't drink...much or smoke...anymore. Oh boy who am I kidding, I better get some more life insurance and see the doctor before I end up dead like my dad. I think I am ok with dying, no loose ends or at least nothing that will matter at this point. No regrets but I would have liked to see my kids grow up. I believe in life after death, as a matter of fact I am actually counting on it. Maybe I was not meant to live and grow old but I would like to know how much time I do have left so I can tie up any loose ends. Maybe I will come back as an astronaut...who knows.


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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