Sunday, February 17, 2008

I think I am dying

I woke up this morning with ringing in my ears again. Tinitus I think it is called. I had my wife take my blood pressure, 172/110. That is a heart attack waiting to happen. I have all of the warning signs and the family history to put me in an early grave. I hate my job, I am moderatly over weight and I am a fire fighter. I don't drink...much or smoke...anymore. Oh boy who am I kidding, I better get some more life insurance and see the doctor before I end up dead like my dad. I think I am ok with dying, no loose ends or at least nothing that will matter at this point. No regrets but I would have liked to see my kids grow up. I believe in life after death, as a matter of fact I am actually counting on it. Maybe I was not meant to live and grow old but I would like to know how much time I do have left so I can tie up any loose ends. Maybe I will come back as an astronaut...who knows.

Monday, February 11, 2008

18 and DONE !!!


Sunday, February 03, 2008

Bad news and hard words for a Friend

I spoke to a friend of mine today, he had some bad news. He asked his wife of 21 years if she would be happy if he disappeared. She said that the majority of her stress and problems in life would be greatly diminished if he just disappeared. Surprised at her statement, he then proceeded to inquire, at his own peril I might add, as to what else was wrong. It seems that for the last 25 years since they have know each other he has been the cause of eveything bad that has happened to her and she blames him for eveything that has gone wrong if her life. There seems to be nothing good or happy that he can account for according to her view of history. Needless to say he was very devastated by this news and the length that this has gone on. How does one react to this type of news? If a stranger or someone you hardly know says something like this to you then you can take a statement like this with a grain of salt. But if your wife says this to you then there is a certain amount of reflection that takes place. First of all the truth may be that you are not responsible for all of her misery and she may be mentally ill of dangerously unbalanced. This is very little consolation because it really doesn't matter what you believe, it is that she believes it to be true. There is no judge or jury that would convict you but the person who's opinion that matters the most won't be changed. You are the problem, you always have been the problem and there is nothing you can do to defend yourself or prove otherwise. Now what do you do? I told him you have some choices to make. Option one is to stay and hope things get better, maybe she will realize how ill she is and get some help. Option two is to pack you bags, leave and start over somewhere else before you die. The third option is to disappear courtsey of your new best friend, Mr. Smith and Wesson.